Terms & Conditions
1 Fee Policies & Procedures
1.1 Fees are payable in full within 10 days of an invoice being sent to you, unless prior payment arrangement is made with the office.
1.2 A $10 admin fee will apply to any classes changed after a new term commences.
1.3 A 10% late penalty is administered for fees not paid by the due date detailed on an invoice.
1.4 Failure to pay fees may result in the loss of the enrolment position.
1.5 Fees that are left unpaid will be lodged with a debt collection agency. All costs incurred in the recovery of overdue accounts will be added to the total amount owed.
1.6 Term fees are fixed amounts. Fees are based on a 36-week year, divided across four terms
1.7 All statutory holidays are observed.
1.8 Where classes fall on public holidays, no make-up classes or credits/refunds are given.
1.9 When classes are cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, make-up classes will be held. Credits/refunds are only given when a make-up class does not occur.
1.10 Warkworth Performing Arts reserves the right to alter fees without prior notice. We will, however, inform parents of any changes as soon as possible.
1.11 Payment plans can be arranged with the Director.
2 Refund Policies & Procedures
2.1 Partial refunds are available for students who withdraw from classes within the first 2 weeks of each term.
2.2 After week 3, no refunds are available.
2.3 In some cases of illness or injury make up classes can be arranged. All make up classes must be within the same term and only in classes where positions are available.
2.4 Refunds are not given for students who are absent from class due to illness, injury or personal circumstances unless the student is absent for more than 3 consecutive weeks and the office has been notified.
3 Code of Conduct
3.1 Students and parents/guardians are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, both in and out of class.
3.2 Students and parents/guardians are expected to be respectful of fellow students, parents, and teachers at all times.
3.3 Students are expected to accept corrections from teachers with dignity; corrections are given only to improve students.
3.4 Students are encouraged to ask questions and communicate with their teacher in class.
3.5 Students are expected to dress appropriately in class for each genre. This means no primary or secondary school uniform, correct footwear, neatly groomed hair, and no excess jewellery.
3.6 All students should bring their own water bottle to class.
3.7 Students are expected to attend classes and practice regularly. Failure to do so may result in students being pulled out of exams and/or the show.
3.8 Students and parents/guardians are asked to keep noise to a minimum prior to and after their class.
3.9 If a student is disruptive in class, or disrespectful, Warkworth Performing Arts reserves the right to discuss this with the parents/guardian. This ensures a fun, safe and professional environment flourishes.
3.10 Any reported cases of bullying on Warkworth Performing Arts are taken seriously and will be followed up with students and parents involved.
4 Health & Safety
4.1 Warkworth Performing Arts is not liable for any personal injury sustained or any loss or damage of personal property whilst on the premises.
4.2 Warkworth Performing Arts will aim to provide a safe learning environment to reduce the risk of injury. It should be recognized by all students, parents/guardians that dance by its very nature carries a risk of injury or accident.
4.3 Warkworth Performing Arts provides qualified and/or experienced dance teachers, who actively promote safe dance practice. This being the case it should be realised that injuries do occur from time to time and students must accept this element of risk.
4.4 It is the student's parents’/guardians responsibility to notify their teacher in the event of a prior injury, medical condition or treatment that may be of concern or which may prevent full class participation before the class starts.
4.5 A first aid kit is available to any student through their teacher or at the office. We do not provide anyone with Panadol or equivalent or administer students’ medication without prior written consent from a parent/caregiver.
4.6 Warkworth Performing Arts students are under supervision whilst in class time only. While we endeavor to provide a safe environment, teachers and staff cannot be responsible for students outside their allocated class time.
5 Class Attendance
5.1 Regular class attendance is vital for students to develop and keep abreast of their syllabus and class work.
5.2 Students must be punctual to classes to ensure they receive a complete warm up.
5.3 It is appreciated if parents/caregivers can advise the office if a student is unable to attend their class.
6 Examinations, Presentations and Tests
6.1 All Ballet, Jazz and Contemporary classes are taught with the intention that students will work towards sitting their examinations during the year.
6.2 Students will be entered into examinations at the discretion of the teacher, in consultation with students and parents/guardians.
6.3 Examination fees are additional to term fees.
7 Photography & Videoing
7.1 Parents/guardians are permitted to photograph or video their own child in class.
7.2 Photography and videos of dance students are not permitted to be posted on social media without prior permission of Warkworth Performing Arts.
8 Choreography
8.1 Choreography for classes, performances and competitions remain the artistic and intellectual property of Warkworth Performing Arts and/or the syllabus providers.
8.2 Choreography must not be copied or used without prior permission of Warkworth Performing Arts.
8.3 Students who leave the school are not permitted to perform choreography that was developed specifically for them by Warkworth Performing Arts teachers as a solo or as part of a team/group without prior permission.
9 Newsletters & Notice Board
9.1 Newsletters are emailed out and also made available in the studio.
9.2 It is the parents and students’ responsibility to read the notice board on a weekly basis and to read newsletters.
10 Privacy Act
10.1 The enrolment form collects personal information about students. Under the Privacy Act 2020 you are entitled to have access to, and request correction of, this information at any time. It is held at the Warkworth Performing Arts premises at 3-6 Fairwater Road, Warkworth, Auckland, New Zealand.
11 Dismissal
11.1 Warkworth Performing Arts maintains the right to dismiss any student or family who breaches any of the stated Term & Conditions, damages property or causes severe disruptions to any classes. The decision is at the discretion of the Studio Director.