Most of the WPA uniform can be purchased from our online supplier, Beulah Grace Dance & Sportswear.

Junior ballet leotards and skirts are ordered from the WPA office/admin.

Uniform requirements

The WPA uniform is compulsory in all classes. Teachers have an expectation that all students are dressed correctly, including:

  • WPA singlet & shorts/leggings OR ballet leotard

  • Correct footwear

  • Tidy hair

  • No jewellery (except for small earrings)

The WPA uniform is worn in classes, in the mid-year show, and for all exams.

At WPA, we believe that feeling prepared and ready to go in the correct attire greatly enhances our students attitude in class. Uniform encourages discipline, is practical, promotes safety, and allows for  teachers to be able to see correct technique and lines more easily.

It also creates a sense of belonging and identity both in the studio, and in the public when the school performs at events. Studio pride is a wonderful way for our students to strive to be the best possible dancer they can be!

Second-hand uniform

We have a small range of second-hand uniform, including shoes, leotards, and WPA tops and shorts. Please speak to the office if you would like to view this before purchasing brand new uniform. If you have any items that you wish to sell, get in contact with us.


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